The Pepsi Refresh Project looks for ideas from non-profits that can make a positive impact in the community. The CAN Cancer Program has been selected as one of the programs that could win a $50,000 grant!
Here’s where we need your help. We have to start spreading the news to our friends, families, co-workers and have them vote for our idea. Voting ends January 31st so we need your votes now!
It only takes about 5 minutes to help CAN Cancer!
1. Go to:
www.refresheverything.com/cancancer 2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Vote for this Idea.”
3. Sign in – click on the ‘Health’ Button and then the ‘$50,000’ button.
4. You will notice a Vote For “Shuffled Ideas” - change this drop down to “Near You”
a. Or click on this link
http://www.refresheverything.com/cancancer b. You can also scroll down to the garbage can with ribbon logo and the header “Help Cancer Patients with Non Medical Expenses” and Vote!
You can vote one time per day for CAN Cancer.
Please send this out to as many of your friends, family members, groups and co-workers.
Thank you for helping us!
About CAN Cancer
CAN Cancer was founded in 2009 by Corrine & Gil Martinez who came up with the idea for Can Cancer when their son Stu was fighting his cancer. They organized the Central Oregon Haulers and founded Can Cancer, Community Assistance for Neighbors with cancer, to help with the non-medical expenses incurred while fighting cancer.
The expenses of travel to and from treatments, lodging for families supporting those with cancer, food, groceries and utilities can seem unmanageable and some may choose to pay a bill and forego travel for treatments. Every dollar raised goes to help patients and their families.