Special thanks to the Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo for allowing the opportunity to raise funds for CAN cancer and a big thank you to all who donated! These funds will help provide financial assistance for several people in Central Oregon who are currently going through treatment.
CAN cancer provides community assistance to help cover non-medical living expenses for Central Oregonians fighting all forms of cancer. Funds raised for CAN cancer have helped local families with their utilities, hotel stays, gas cards, rent assistance, grocery cards and more.
The group of Central Oregon Garbage Haulers includes: Bend Garbage & Recycling, Cascade Disposal, High Country Disposal, Prineville Disposal, Madras Sanitary Service and Wilderness Garbage. 100% of the money donated is put in a fund with the St. Charles Foundation so that all funds raised will be used directly to benefit local residents.
For more information, visit cancancer.org